A Big TAC Air Thank You
The following message was sent to TAC Air on September 24, 2018:
Dear TAC Air Corporate HQ,
I am a local RDU customer who flies a lot. In fact, I just went through TAC Air at BDL on a recent trip. Every FBO I visit has a personality. Some clearly don't like their jobs and some have a smile.
"TAC Air-RDU has a special quality. The staff there has heart and cares about their customers and community. You can't train that and a policy manual can't teach that."
This past week at RDU was nuts. Emergency relief flights to help North Carolina residents impacted by Hurricane Florence originated out of the TAC Air under-renovation building at RDU. Daniel Mansfield and his team did everything they possibly could to assist with relief efforts and aviation activities. It was all done with a smile and all hands were on deck.
On the first day of flight operations, Daniel in his white shirt and tie was the one marshaling me in for supply loading. Daryl, who runs the maintenance services area, was manning the exit door for relief pilots at one point. It was all hands on deck.
According to Operation Airdrop, there were 517 relief flights out of RDU carrying 280,000 pounds of cargo with 468 volunteer pilots.
"It was the most organized chaos I've ever seen, but every person at TAC Air stepped up and delivered services with care and skill."
Your amazing team at TAC Air-RDU even managed to rescue me when I blew a tire on landing back at RDU for another load of relief supplies.
I'm not a Jet A customer. I'm a small fry. But if your RDU team will take this much care with me, then you know the bigger aircraft are getting great care, as well. To repay the love, I always attempt to refuel back at RDU.
Flying relief supplies into hard-hit areas from the storm was exhausting. But TAC Air-RDU and corporate TAC Air played a big part in assisting a lot of people on their worst day.
Thank you for making me so proud of TAC Air-RDU. They truly are part of my aviation family and words can't describe how exceptional they all were at this time of need. I'd name people personally but it would be the whole roster.
Steve Rhode - PilotThe Nonprofit Pilot.dog Foundation